Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"NEW" Info!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Dec. 4 Recap

1. Elena, 2. Violet, 3. Monica, 4. Kellen & Violet, 5. Elena, 6. Grin, 7. Kellen, 8. Caroline, 9. Caroline, 10. Jen, 11. Elena, 12. Caroline, 13. Elena, 14. Elena, 15. Jen & Sam, 16. Untitled, 17. Caroline, 18. Marianne, 19. Monica & Elena, 20. Kristy, 21. More packages, 22. Elena, 23. Knitting, 24. Kristy, 25. Kellen, 26. Bea, 27. Violet & Cindy, 28. Prizers!, 29. Jen, Marianne, Kristy, 30. Bea, 31. Monica, 32. The group, 33. Monica, 34. What's in there?, 35. Cute!, 36. Kristy
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Join Us for the 3rd Annual CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Holiday Gift Exchange
OK all, you’ve cast your votes, and it looks like we have a date for this year’s CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Holiday Yarn Exchange: DECEMBER 4! (That date received the fewest ‘no’ votes + the most ‘yes’ votes from our members on Ravelry.)
We will structure the swap like we have in the past. Here are the guidelines:
Each person attending should bring a gift-wrapped NEW yarn gift valued at $15-20 (enough to cover a high quality, natural fiber yarn but not be so expensive as to discourage people from participating – NOT a white elephant exchange of something you don’t like and want to unload). Like last year, it is OK to ‘shop’ from your stash; needles/patterns/notions are also acceptable. The rule-of-thumb we developed last year is: try to make your gift enough of something fiber-y that: a) you would like to receive yourself; and b) is enough for a small project, like a hat or gloves. You should be able to get something nice for the suggested amount (we’ve used the cost of 2 skeins of Noro Kureyon or Malabrigo Worsted as our price-point, because we know you can make a hat using only 2 skeins of those yarns; but don’t let that limit you - use your imagination!)
At the Gift Exchange, we will do a ‘blind’ swap where each person draws a number and then in numerical order we each will choose either a wrapped gift from the pile or ‘steal’ one that has been opened already; in the case of the latter, the ‘stealee’ then gets to re-choose (again, either from the pile or from someone that has already chosen). It is lots of fun, and sometimes there is a flurry of ‘re-gifting’.
Please leave your RSVP here or send me an email ( velma (underscore) occam (at) yahoo (dot) com) so I can let Mazzotti’s know how big a table we need; last year we had our biggest turnout of the year for the Gift Exchange!
I hope to see everyone there, even some PnH ‘lurkers’. ;) Here’s wishing everyone a Happy CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Season!!
Nov. 27 Update
A foray to Everett's on Turkey Day itself was planned by Bea, the other Jen, and Velma, but that fell through. Edie ate huckleberry pie while Velma had her knit/drink experience at home. Word on the street is that much turkey was consumed all around (except Elena; what did you have?).
More next week... It will be our annual CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Holiday Yarn Exchange! Hope to see you there...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Nov. 20 Recap

Elena played show-and-tell with her almost-complete Autumn Wrap-Up, which she got to the blocking stage last night by finishing the last few sleeve stitches. She's using the Indigo Playmate pattern from Custom Knits and yarn from Beaverslide Dry Goods to make the shawl-collar cardi. It is gonna be one warm sweater when she's done, and I for one can't wait to see it modeled. These pictures show her working on it last night, and if you are a Ravelry member, you can read more about it on her projects page.

She worked on 2 different projects over the course of the evening; she started out with a fair isle kid cap with icy flames for her nephew, but when she hit a snag in her pattern transcription, switched to the Trinity Stitch Hat in a scrumptious handpainted bulky merino yarn (that's what she's working on in this photo). If you are on, check out her projects page for all the details.

Here's a little known Bea fun-fact: her favorite curse word is 'poo dar'. Who knew?
For more about Bea and her projects, Ravelers can check out Bea's project page.

Our newest member, Kristy, got short-shrift on the photo front, but had lots to share. She was working on a knit toy for her daughter, although she hadn't decided yet if it will be a bear or a bunny. (Velma wants some weird bear-bunny creature, but that idea didn't get much play.) Although there aren't a lot of details yet, be sure to stay tuned to hear more about Kristy's new venture, Hands on CRAFT, her crafting space in the Hilliard Building in Arcata. Her plan is to offer workshops, materials for sale, and a venue for Humboldt crafters to hang out and practice 'manual arts' like knitting, crochet, spinning, dyeing, and letter-press. Should be lots of fun when it opens, and you can say you heard about it here first. Welcome to the group, Kristy! Hope to see more of you and your crafty-goodness.
One conversation last night was about the field trip to Eureka planned by Bea, V, and Elena. On the itinerary: both of Eureka's newest yarn stores, Yarn & the Northcoast Knittery. Maybe there'll even be reviews here in the upcoming days...
In the meantime, it's that time of year again: CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Yarn Gift Exchange. We have 3 options for the Exchange this year: Dec. 4, 11, or 18. If you have a preference on which date we choose, vote on Ravelry in the Purl 'n Hurl group, or leave a comment here. Then check back for an announcement and more information.
And, as always, there are more photos (viewable by all) in our Purl 'n Hurl photoset on Flickr. Go check 'em out. Hope to see you at our next gathering (which may or may not be next week, on Thanksgiving. Will post here soon about whether or not we'll be meeting.)
Monday, November 17, 2008
Whew! It's Been Awhile!!
Now, entries for regional Stitch 'n Bitch chapters, like Purl 'n Hurl, can update their own listings. When I learned this, I immediately toddled off to fix the errors in ours that had been bugging me for the last year, plus change our meeting day. So we now have a brand-spankin'-new, updated, and most importantly accurate entry for Purl 'n Hurl in the master SnB database! Two, actually, because I listed us under both Arcata and Humboldt (although both listings are identical).
While editing our listings, I took the opportunity to delete the link to our very defunct Yahoo! group of the same name. When I get the once-every-four-months-or-so request to join that group of one (me), I just point them to this blog and our Ravelry group anyway, so saw no reason to keep it.
So, with our fresh, new online presence, and our NEW meeting day of THURSDAYS, I thought it the perfect time to re-establish regular blog updates. I edited the side-bar here to more accurately reflect our details, including adding a couple more member blogs and local yarn shopping opportunities, too. My goal is to return to regular weekly updates, plus member profiles.
Hopefully, these changes will excite more of our 'lurkers' to come out and join us for a fiber-filled and conversation-rich evening soon! Stay tuned for more...
'Til then, here are 2 pics from a recent gathering (that's Bea on the right and Violet on the left.

See you Thursday!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
May 14 Recap
Labels: arcata, crochet, humboldt, KIP, knitting, KUI, purlnhurl, snb, stitchnbitch, WIP
Thursday, May 08, 2008
May 8 Recap

I'll try to get back in the swing of things 'round here!
We've been meeting regularly again since about, what, October '07? All Ravelry members, this time around.
This week, we had 12 knitters, a hooker, and a husband. Thanks, Eli, for letting me rope you into playing photographer! These are some pictures from last night.
1. Happy Photog, 2. Lookit Us!, 3. The Band, 4. Bea & V, 5. Gaye & Des, 6. Suzy WIP KIP, 7. Elena WIP KIP, 8. Bea WIP KIP, 9. Velma WIP KIP, 10. April WIP KIP, 11. Kellen WIP CIP, 12. Happy Knitters, 13. Happy Knitters, 14. Purl 'n Hurl
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
Come join us soon! Oh, and a few of us are also meeting on Saturdays at the Farmers Market on the Arcata Plaza, on the southeast corner, facing the band, from about 11am to 1:00ish. We even bring spinning wheels! All are welcome.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Nov. 14 Recap
We did have a good little group, though, including 2 brand-spankin' new PnHers, Erica & Nicole. Both are grad students in math (modeling? I think?) at HSU, so we know they're brainiacs. ;) Erica is a knitter, and Nicole is a hooker (what I mean to say is, she likes to crochet). She, Nicole, was working on a beanie, and Erica was making socks for her boyfriend, who still resides in Idaho from whence she came, using Plymouth Sockotta.
Lots of socks this week; Eileen was about 2/3 of the way through a Christmas stocking for daughter Sophie to match the already completed one she made for her husband, Audi. Both are made from kits. She also brought completed socks for herself in Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock in the Rockin' Sock Club-exclusive 'Flower Power' colorway, made using a pattern from Nancy Bush's Knitting Vintage Socks book. Velma also had socks with her, for her fiancee (what, you didn't hear? Velma's engaged!) in Noro Kureyon #147, from the 2007 Knitting Pattern a Day Calendar. One down, and only about 1/3 to go. You can see a photo of the finished sock being modeled by said sweetie HERE.
Kat was there, and she's still plugging away on her lovely, lacy pink scarf. Bea had her Miller sweater from Rowan Yorkshire Fable in a lovely pistachio green shade of Rowanspun DK.
Good times were had by all, despite the small turnout and the lack of photos. And plans were made for Nov. 21, which coincidentally is also Eileen's BIRTHDAY!! Please come out the day before Thanksgiving and wish her a happy natal day (there might even be cake) and help plan the holiday yarn exchange. Because Mazzotti's is expecting a larger than normal crowd that night, we need to give them a head-count on Tuesday, so please RSVP to Velma this week. (you can email velma a t colorbombcreations d o t com -- you know the drill on taking out spaces and subbing the appropriate symbols. Damn the bots!) See you there!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Nov. 7 Recap

April (apurl for those on Ravelry) was once again working on her Simple Knitted Bodice. Eileen (eileenover on Ravelry) had her 2nd Christmas stocking with her, this one for hubby Audi. Sadly, Velma (who goes by velmalikevelvet on Ravelry and was working on the Noro Socks she's making for fiancee Cole) was delinquent in her duties, and has NO IDEA what anyone else was working on.

Who else was there? Jodie, and Pauly (pauly81 for Ravelry), and Kathy (sans knitting), and Grace, and of course Bea (beapea7 on Ravelry).
As always, more photos on Flickr. Check 'em out, and see you on the 14th!
(PS - Ravelry links won't work for non-Ravelers until Ravelry is out of Beta. Sorry.)
Monday, November 12, 2007
It's Been a Year, But We're Still Here!
-- We've changed our meeting day to WEDNESDAYs
-- We've changed our meeting venue to MAZZOTTI's
-- We haven't changed our raison d' etre: get yer drink on!
Lots of fun stuff planned for the coming weeks, including a birthday celebration for co-founder Eileen Weppner on Nov. 21 and a holiday yarn swap, our 2nd annual, on a date yet to be determined. So come out and join us for craft, conversation, and cocktails!
PS - If you are on Ravelry (and if you're not, you really should be) we have a group there, Purl 'n Hurl Humboldt. Join in the fun there too!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Dec. 7 Recap

(Do I have your attention? Good.)
Next week, at the Dec. 14 Purl 'n Hurl gathering, we will be doing a CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Yarn Gift Exchange. Whatever your personally preferred winter celebration (I *think* I covered 'em all, there), please join us at Plaza Grill in Arcata next Thursday between 6:30 and 9pm. Bring a wrapped gift of yarn (valued at $15-20, please; no acrylic white elephants). Cocktails start at 6:30, and at 7:00 we will draw numbers; at 7:15 we will do a round-robin style swap and see who goes home with what. Hope to see everyone there for a Purl 'n Hurl-style holiday party!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Nov. 30 Recap

Our group was smaller this week (maybe the holidays are taking their toll?), but we had fun. Jenny modeled her almost-finished sweater in Noro. Eileen, who can't find the last skein of black alpaca to finish her mom's scarf, worked on a sock. Velma, who is MIA in the photo, continued her seed stitch scarf in Manos for the Red Scarf Project. Bea is making the Stocking Cap from Interweave Knits, and was modeling a sweater she made. Although there's no photodocumentation, Cheri was there, too, show=and-telling her Secret Santa project: she finished Christmas stockings for Tom and Susan, and is going to make one a tiny one for their wee fetus! And non-knitter Todd stopped by with Jo for a visit on their way to the KHUM holiday party.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Nov. 23
Friday, November 17, 2006
Nov. 16 Recap

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Nov. 9 Recap

And speaking of Velma, she was showing off a skein of her new handspun, 'Happy Hour,' as well as the felt bowls she made last week. She was working on yet another hat, and when asked if that was water she was drinking, replied: "Hell no! That's a G&T!" (That might be the edited version of her reply; she was drinking, after all.)

It seems that everyone had a grand old time. There are lots more pictures in our flickr set. So even though it's a last minute invite, we hope to see everyone there again tonight.
Happy Knitting! And crocheting!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Nov. 2 Recap

Lots of finished objects and almost-FOs at show-and-tell last night. Natalie had her felted earflap hat, ready for adornment and assembly (photo here). Cheri is making a dress from The Yarn Girls' Guide to Kids Knits (the one on the cover), in S. Charles Victoria and Crystal Palace Fizz for her friends' daughter, and it's ready to be seamed (photo here). Velma brought along her completed Hallowig, pattern from Knitty, and Super-Waiter Mike modeled it for us (photo here). Caroline had 2 of her own baby sweaters with her, one made by each of her grandmothers (photo here). And Jenny, who we hadn't seen since last season, brought her almost-finished Stitch 'n Bitch bikini, ooh-la-la! Bea finished another beaded hat, but forgot to bring it; we're hoping for next week. And Caroline bound off the scarf she was making for her mom.
Only got one actual shot of knitting in public; that's Natalie in the photo, btw. She's working on a lace "square" (no, really, that's what she said; "Not a shawl, a square. I'll figure out what it is later."). It's based on Kay MacLaury's Cables & Lace Afghan Project.
Other works-in-progress included Eileen's Noro sweater and her lace scarf (photo here), Sherie's freeform shawl in Manos del Uruguay, Bea's Greek Pullover from the Fall 2005 issue of Interweave Knits in Rowan Kid Classic, Jenny's Knit.1 Spring/Summer '05 cover sweater, and Velma's felted bowls from OneSkein, in Lamb's Pride Bulky.
Next week both the Stitch 'n Bitch (Tue.) and Midnight Free-for-all (Fri.) happen at our LYS, Handmade Memories. Plus, all month long if you bring in a friend who has never visited before you'll receive 10% off your purchase. What a deal! So, go find a friend, head up and buy yourself some yarn, and come join us next Thursday at Plaza Grill. We'd love to see what you're working on. Happy Knitting!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Oct. 26 Recap

Not sure what Caroline was working on (it's possible that I'd had a few cocktails before I got around to that end of the table), but Bea had both a completed version in navy of the Odessa Beaded Hat by Grumperina on Magknits from last week, and a newly cast on version in Rowan Tapestry. Both are beautiful, with a lovely spiral decrease pattern on the crowns.

Judy came with other talents, too. She and Velma had a long discussion about preparing, dyeing, and spinning silk. Judy promised to bring Velma some of her fiber books from her library next week, making Velma positively vibrate with excitement at the prospect.

Who else was there? Eileen, working on her Noro Turtleneck, which is looking fuzzy and beautiful. And Velma, obviously, working on yet another hat, this one a watchcap in Manos del Uruguay. There's been enough pictures of them for awhile, so if you want to see them, you'll have to check out the Purl 'n Hurl photoset.

Hope everyone has a wonderful pre-Halloween weekend, and we'd love to see you at next week's Purl 'n Hurl, which will be Thursday, November 2, 6:30pm at Plaza Grill in Arcata. Happy Knitting!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Oct. 19 Recap

Here's Eileen giving Velma stinkeye for interrupting her concentration while re-reading her pattern (left). Velma's excuse is that she can't help herself; Eileen is so sexy in those specs!

That's it for now. There are a couple more gratuitous Knitting in Public shots on Flickr HERE. If you read this in time, hope to see you tonight at Plaza Grill for more.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Oct. 12 Recap

HIYA, peeps! Check out the fiber madness last night at Plaza Grill! You can see by the photo evidence that at the very least, Cheri had a great time! We always knew she had balls, but what we didn't know is that they are made of yarn. Guess this is her way of keeping wayward materials from rolling under the table. This is definitely my favorite shot of the night!
Cheri continued to work on her Rollneck Raglan in Noro Silk Garden, from the Debbie Bliss Noro Collection book. She's a little worried that the body is too short, and her frustration (+ a coupla cosmos) sent her to work on another hat.
Did you notice her cool knitting-themed T-shirt? Me too! The photo is fuzzy, so I can't read it, and can't remember what it says (I may have had a coupla cosmos, too), but I'll call her and ask and try to post a link to purchase one. While trying to find one online, I came across these other knitting tees that you might like.

Bea shows off her FO Dready Hat and Tamara works on her Poodle Scarf. Conversation was centered in large part around wedding plans last night, as both Bea and Tam are engaged (although, not to each other). Tamara and Michael are to wed Oct. 2007, but Bea and Eli have yet to set a date (heavy negotiations are unerway). Bea is also working on an Odessa Beaded Hat by Grumperina,via MagKnits.

After much photographer needling, Eileen smiles while she works on her Turtleneck in Noro Transitions which she is convinced is wide enough to cover two PnH'ers. Heather rolls up her 3-Year Scarf as she prepares to head home.
Velma completely forgot to get any photos of her, her knitting, or her show-and-tell items. Dork! She finished the scarf she worked on last week, and was working on a new project: a Monster Hat from Insubordiknit. She brought along the new Vogue Knitting and her newest handspun, Bug Balls, a Halloween-themed artyarn (her first) made from the raw materials sent to her by YarnWench as part of the Buggin' Out fiber swap organized by YarnPunk. Velma wrote about the process here and here if you are so bored you don't know what to do with yourself.
Happy Friday the 13th! 'Til next week, Happy Knitting!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Oct. 5 Recap

Tamara and Sacha were there last night too, but neither brought a project to work on (shame on you!); it was still good to see them.
As always, there are more pictures to be seen here, and we all hope to see you at next week's gathering. Happy Knitting!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Sep. 28 Recap

But who is this handsome devil? Only the best waiter at Plaza Grill! He was sweet enough to model Eileen's just completed hat for her hubby, Audi. That's a close-up of the hat below, next to her margarita - how did you think she got through the evening? Knit in Noro Iro from the Hot Head pattern in Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook.

wool in 'moss.' It's a commissioned piece for her friend Jeff. Velma: knitting mogul in training. That's her working on it, doing what she does best: tossing back a martini while knitting. Note the devil earrings, a handmade gift from Tamara from Halloween a few years back.

Tamara's newish biology consulting firm is doing well, by all accounts. She was excited to hear that Velma got a comment on her blog from a local fish biologist who is planning on attending Purl 'n Hurl in the near future. Since everyone at the table (with the notable exception of slacker-Velma) is a scientist, the new girl should fit right in.

And what of Cheri? Her father, who was in the hospital with problems related to chronic pain issues stemming from some heinous back probs, is back home on the mend, so she was back from her Redding trip. She's making a Debbie Bliss sweater, the Raglan with Cable Detail in Noro Silk Garden from the DB Noro Collection book (scroll down to see the sweater she's making). So many of Cheri's knitting projects are gifts for others, it was good to see her working on something for herself. She also had some show-and-tell: a book so new even Velma hadn't heard of it! Not Tonight Darling, I'm Knitting. Full of knitting history and anecdotes (but not patterns), it was decided that this book would be great for bathroom reading.

So this blog was added to the knitblog webring this week, and we're starting to see visitors from outside our little Humboldt enclave. Welcome to Kare, our first commenter! She had nice things to say about us, which just goes to show she's never met us. For the dog-lovers among us (you know who you are), be sure to check out her blog, Shabby Chic, 'cuz she's got cutie-patootie puppies.
And don't forget to visit our flickr set, with more photos from this gathering. See you next week!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Sep. 21 Recap

Tamara came by again this week but was so in need of a cocktail that she ran out of the house without her knitting! She made a great photographer, though; thanks for taking some great pix, T!
Eillen worked some more magic on her lace scarf, saying she is really addicted to the pattern. I see more lacework in her future. But please think good thoughts for her kitty, Boots, who is at the cat hospital with an undiagnosed illness; we're all pulling for you, Boots!

No Cheri this week; her dad is ailing, and she went out to Redding to be with her family. Let's send Cheri and her pop our good wishes, too. Get better, Dad.
Last night was shorter than usual, as Velma was all hot-and-bothered to get home in time for the season premier of Grey's Anatomy. If you haven't already heard about it, there's a GA knitalong if you are interested. 'Til next week, happy knitting!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Sep. 14 Recap

Eileen worked briefly on her intarsia baby blanket, pictured here last week, then whipped out the lace Branching Out scarf from Knitty made from the Elsebeth Lavold yarn she showed us last week. Both looked beautiful, and are coming along nicely. She was talking about her upcoming trip to Buffalo for the holidays, which made Velma pout because that means she won't be around for a few weeks worth of Purl 'n Hurl. Sad Velma.

There was much merrymaking and margarita consumption, and we had a blast. Hope to see more of you there next week: same bat time, same bat channel. Have a great weekend; since there was no interest in heading to Booneville for the California Wool and Fiber Festival, see you at the Northcountry Fair!