Saturday, November 29, 2008


Nov. 27 Update

First thing to note about our Nov. 27 gathering is that it happened on Nov. 26! ;) Since the 27th was Thanksgiving, most decided that was out, but a few people got together the night before for some knittin' and chattin'. Not too many details, as I wasn't among the PnHers in attendance, but I heard that Edie, Bea, Lena, and Jen enjoyed the jazz and a good meal while newborn Samantha slept. Good times!

A foray to Everett's on Turkey Day itself was planned by Bea, the other Jen, and Velma, but that fell through. Edie ate huckleberry pie while Velma had her knit/drink experience at home. Word on the street is that much turkey was consumed all around (except Elena; what did you have?).

More next week... It will be our annual CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Holiday Yarn Exchange! Hope to see you there...

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