Friday, December 01, 2006
Nov. 30 Recap

Our group was smaller this week (maybe the holidays are taking their toll?), but we had fun. Jenny modeled her almost-finished sweater in Noro. Eileen, who can't find the last skein of black alpaca to finish her mom's scarf, worked on a sock. Velma, who is MIA in the photo, continued her seed stitch scarf in Manos for the Red Scarf Project. Bea is making the Stocking Cap from Interweave Knits, and was modeling a sweater she made. Although there's no photodocumentation, Cheri was there, too, show=and-telling her Secret Santa project: she finished Christmas stockings for Tom and Susan, and is going to make one a tiny one for their wee fetus! And non-knitter Todd stopped by with Jo for a visit on their way to the KHUM holiday party.