Friday, October 27, 2006
Oct. 26 Recap

Not sure what Caroline was working on (it's possible that I'd had a few cocktails before I got around to that end of the table), but Bea had both a completed version in navy of the Odessa Beaded Hat by Grumperina on Magknits from last week, and a newly cast on version in Rowan Tapestry. Both are beautiful, with a lovely spiral decrease pattern on the crowns.

Judy came with other talents, too. She and Velma had a long discussion about preparing, dyeing, and spinning silk. Judy promised to bring Velma some of her fiber books from her library next week, making Velma positively vibrate with excitement at the prospect.

Who else was there? Eileen, working on her Noro Turtleneck, which is looking fuzzy and beautiful. And Velma, obviously, working on yet another hat, this one a watchcap in Manos del Uruguay. There's been enough pictures of them for awhile, so if you want to see them, you'll have to check out the Purl 'n Hurl photoset.

Hope everyone has a wonderful pre-Halloween weekend, and we'd love to see you at next week's Purl 'n Hurl, which will be Thursday, November 2, 6:30pm at Plaza Grill in Arcata. Happy Knitting!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Oct. 19 Recap
Better late than never is today's motto. The computer's been in the shop, so couldn't post about the 19th 'til today. Since it's just about time for another update, I'll make this a quickie (everyone loves a quickie).
We had a good turnout, with regulars Tamara, Cheri, Eileen, Bea, and Velma, plus new attendee Sherie and a drop-in visit from Natalie. Mostly folks were plugging away on previously-blogged about WIPs, with lots of progress by all.
Here's Eileen giving Velma stinkeye for interrupting her concentration while re-reading her pattern (left). Velma's excuse is that she can't help herself; Eileen is so sexy in those specs!
Sherie was quite clever (right, on right); although you can't see it in this photo of her and Bea (photography isn't Velma's strongest suit), she is actually knitting back-and-forth on DPNs because she didn't have any straights in the right size handy. Way to improvise!
That's it for now. There are a couple more gratuitous Knitting in Public shots on Flickr HERE. If you read this in time, hope to see you tonight at Plaza Grill for more.

Here's Eileen giving Velma stinkeye for interrupting her concentration while re-reading her pattern (left). Velma's excuse is that she can't help herself; Eileen is so sexy in those specs!

That's it for now. There are a couple more gratuitous Knitting in Public shots on Flickr HERE. If you read this in time, hope to see you tonight at Plaza Grill for more.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Oct. 12 Recap

HIYA, peeps! Check out the fiber madness last night at Plaza Grill! You can see by the photo evidence that at the very least, Cheri had a great time! We always knew she had balls, but what we didn't know is that they are made of yarn. Guess this is her way of keeping wayward materials from rolling under the table. This is definitely my favorite shot of the night!
Cheri continued to work on her Rollneck Raglan in Noro Silk Garden, from the Debbie Bliss Noro Collection book. She's a little worried that the body is too short, and her frustration (+ a coupla cosmos) sent her to work on another hat.
Did you notice her cool knitting-themed T-shirt? Me too! The photo is fuzzy, so I can't read it, and can't remember what it says (I may have had a coupla cosmos, too), but I'll call her and ask and try to post a link to purchase one. While trying to find one online, I came across these other knitting tees that you might like.

Bea shows off her FO Dready Hat and Tamara works on her Poodle Scarf. Conversation was centered in large part around wedding plans last night, as both Bea and Tam are engaged (although, not to each other). Tamara and Michael are to wed Oct. 2007, but Bea and Eli have yet to set a date (heavy negotiations are unerway). Bea is also working on an Odessa Beaded Hat by Grumperina,via MagKnits.

After much photographer needling, Eileen smiles while she works on her Turtleneck in Noro Transitions which she is convinced is wide enough to cover two PnH'ers. Heather rolls up her 3-Year Scarf as she prepares to head home.
Velma completely forgot to get any photos of her, her knitting, or her show-and-tell items. Dork! She finished the scarf she worked on last week, and was working on a new project: a Monster Hat from Insubordiknit. She brought along the new Vogue Knitting and her newest handspun, Bug Balls, a Halloween-themed artyarn (her first) made from the raw materials sent to her by YarnWench as part of the Buggin' Out fiber swap organized by YarnPunk. Velma wrote about the process here and here if you are so bored you don't know what to do with yourself.
Happy Friday the 13th! 'Til next week, Happy Knitting!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Oct. 5 Recap

Tamara and Sacha were there last night too, but neither brought a project to work on (shame on you!); it was still good to see them.
As always, there are more pictures to be seen here, and we all hope to see you at next week's gathering. Happy Knitting!