Four, count 'em F.O.U.R. of us showed up last night! Woot! Woot! Come on peeps, yer missin' out. Heather and Cheri and Eileen: Oh, MY!! Weuns had some
fun last night. Since we sit up in the front of
Plaza Grill by the street, and more importantly the big picture windows for the natural light, no service; usually we schlep our own cocktails 'n grub, then bus ourselves at the end of the evening. But my friend Mike the Waiter, formerly of
Cafe Tomo, was bored last night (or maybe wanted to hang around the 4 hot chicks, I dunno), so he served us in style. That is one smart boy, I'll tell ya; he scored on the tip fo' sho'.
Heather (missing from the pic 'cuz Velma is a dork and forgot to snap it pre-departure) brought along what Velma has dubbed the "Perennial Scarf," or, "The Scarf That Keeps on Giving" because she's been working on it since
before PnH got its feet on the ground in '03. Now
that's dedication. Welcome back, Heather!

Cheri had some
Noro Iro in a lovely brown/black combo (47, I think) that she's transforming into a beanie from the 1st
Stitch 'n Bitch book by Debbie Stoller (old timers will remember this as the book that Velma secured a discount on for PnH members). Looverly. And, as an added bonus just for the fans, here's a pic of her blue-ribbon bag at the 2006 Humboldt County Fair. She also garnered three 3rd place ribbons, including one for her original shawl design. More pictures of her entries can be viewed
here. Kudos to Cheri for representin' PnH!!
Eileen was plugging away on sock #2, and
Velma knit about 4" on a hat for her friend Boomer using
one of her handspun yarns.
We also talked about a PnH field trip to the
California Wool and Fiber Festival in Booneville, Anderson Valley Sep. 15-17. Leave a comment here if you are interested in going. We'll discuss it more next week at PnH. See you there!
# posted by velmalikevelvet @ 9:52 AM