Friday, December 08, 2006
Dec. 7 Recap

(Do I have your attention? Good.)
Next week, at the Dec. 14 Purl 'n Hurl gathering, we will be doing a CHRISTMAYULESTIVUSOLSTIKWANZUKKAH Yarn Gift Exchange. Whatever your personally preferred winter celebration (I *think* I covered 'em all, there), please join us at Plaza Grill in Arcata next Thursday between 6:30 and 9pm. Bring a wrapped gift of yarn (valued at $15-20, please; no acrylic white elephants). Cocktails start at 6:30, and at 7:00 we will draw numbers; at 7:15 we will do a round-robin style swap and see who goes home with what. Hope to see everyone there for a Purl 'n Hurl-style holiday party!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Nov. 30 Recap

Our group was smaller this week (maybe the holidays are taking their toll?), but we had fun. Jenny modeled her almost-finished sweater in Noro. Eileen, who can't find the last skein of black alpaca to finish her mom's scarf, worked on a sock. Velma, who is MIA in the photo, continued her seed stitch scarf in Manos for the Red Scarf Project. Bea is making the Stocking Cap from Interweave Knits, and was modeling a sweater she made. Although there's no photodocumentation, Cheri was there, too, show=and-telling her Secret Santa project: she finished Christmas stockings for Tom and Susan, and is going to make one a tiny one for their wee fetus! And non-knitter Todd stopped by with Jo for a visit on their way to the KHUM holiday party.